Persistence is the key to success. But persistence by itself will not move things forward unless it is balanced by Patience.

Persistence is energy. The energy that moves things. Patience is wisdom. The wisdom that determines the direction our persistence will take us. The wisdom that tells us when to make changes and what those changes should be. Making change for change’s sake is persistence, not patience. And we all now what happens then.

Persistence without patience is like rowing a canoe from one side only – you may be moving but you’re not getting anywhere. You are just expending energy and moving in circles.

Successful gardeners are the perfect example of the Yin and Yang balance of Persistence and Patience. Well before the growing season starts, the gardeners prepares the ground. Cleaning it up, turning it over. Working diligently until it’s time to plant. And all that has to happen as soon as it can and be done as quickly as it can so that the next part of the process can take place.


And weeding. And fertilizing. And waiting some more. While the seeds grow from intent to consequence.

And when the project comes to fruition, it’s time for the gardener once again to work diligently, harvesting the crops she planted persistently and for which she waited patiently.

Then, it’s time to wait for next year. And the next project.

In business, we work the same way as a gardener. We make plans and then we implement them. And then we wait for them to come to fruition, tending them and tweaking them along the way. Making them better. Feeding them while they are growing. Sometimes, we can push harder and get them completed more quickly. Most often, though, things take the time they need to grow to completion.

Success, after all, is a delicate balance of Persistence and Patience.

• Can you think of a time when you pushed too hard and your project failed?

• When your lack of patience was stronger than your persistence?

• What would you do today if you had that project to do again?

• How will you apply the gardener’s Yin and Yang of Persistence and Patience to your next project?

Take a listen to “The Gardener’s Touch” A podcast by Leslie Yerkes

