I hope that my eulogy includes the statement, “Leslie had grit.”

Steven Covey, author of the bestselling “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” would ask participants to write the eulogy that would one day be read about them. It was not meant to be morbid but rather to be a challenge to live into their aspired legacy while still alive. To proactively create a living legacy and to make it your reputation every day.

I like these kinds of thinking questions.

Every book I read offers up many questions, a few new or fresh ideas, but all meant to raise self-awareness.

Self-awareness is the first competency of emotional intelligence and the key to the other 11 emotional intelligence competencies.

You never master your self-awareness but like any habit you can work to keep it deepening, not junked up with bias or protective devices but fresh with new and renewed understanding.

So, this definition of Grit that was in my social media feed started me on an internal conversation with myself about who I try to be in all situations and with all individuals. The quiet of the first day of the new year seemed a perfect time to ruminate about who I am and how I want others to experience me.

Brené Brown, author of “Dare to Lead” and other great books, believes a self-aware person can name their top 3 to 5 values which guide all the actions. Though I am guided by many values, I do have 3 to 5 at my core which influence all that I do. I can trace the path in my life when the values were forged.

My values have influenced every choice, decision, and commitment I have made in my life. They are no less present in my life as I age. Just the opposite. I am more committed to living with integrity based on each of my core values.

Can you name your core values?
Could someone else credit you with the same values?

WHAT I choose to do each day is action, HOW I chose to do it reflects my values.

I work my values and actions with GRIT.

• Are there any adjectives that describe you? Any words that capture your essence?

Sometimes these descriptors are given to us as feedback.

A client once said, I was ‘salty.’

If that includes being honest, I will take it.

• What adjectives describe how you are jumping into 2024?


“Living into our values means that we do more than profess our values,
we practice them. We walk our talk — we are clear about what we believe
and hold important, and we take care that our intentions,
words, thoughts, and behaviors align with those beliefs.”

— Brené Brown