“Who am I really? What have I done?
What is important and meaningful to me?
What difference does it make that I have lived?
What does it mean to be truly human, and
where am I on that scale?”

— Morrie Schwartz
     The Wisdom of Morrie:
Living and Aging Creatively and Joyfully

“Who am I?”
Ideally, we answer it for ourselves,
but be warned that others will strive to do it for you
so don’t let them.”

— Karma Brown

“Who am I really? What have I done? What is important and meaningful to me? What difference does it make that I have lived? What does it mean to be truly human, and where am I on that scale?”

Growing older isn’t a bad thing, especially if you are growing.

I shared with a friend in a phone conversation today, that I like myself better at 64 years old than I did in my 20s.

I have always been a happy, positive, hopeful, and helpful person. However, the older version of me is surer of herself and has fewer “bugaboos.”

“Metaphorically, I like the suitcase of experiences I carry with me now. I have let go of packed cases of generational patterns and attachments that I no longer need.

I like who I bring to my relationships in life and work. I am clear on my purpose and my values. I understand my personality style and strengths. I know my non-negotiables, can express my needs, and am getting better and better at establishing personal boundaries. I tend not to make things personal and don’t take much personally, except my responsibilities. I know how to access my empathy to cool my anger and frustrations.

I can live with myself without too much negative self-talk. It is liberating!

I thank all the influences in my life. My parents, my experiences, my mentors, role models, friends, and teachers. Each of you has left your fingerprints on me — in the most positive way. Thank you.

I still have more to learn and more growing to do.

It is nice to arrive in this place. From here the only direction is up.

Where are your head and heart in this spring of your life?


“You glow differently when your confidence is fueled by your belief in yourself
instead of validation from others.”

— Inspiring Souls