“In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.”

— Albert Camus

Did anyone else run out of steam towards the end of the year 2020? Did you struggle to find the holiday cheer during a social distancing pandemic? Did you just want to cocoon, lay down your responsibilities for a while?

I did. And when my energy shifts to sloth mode it scares me.

I am so grateful for my ‘energy bunny’ way of living. But my less-than-motivated, want-to-nap, binge-watch-streaming-series, carb-loving, ice-cream-self-medicating, alter ego is someone I accept — but don’t admire. Do you have a yin to your yang personality?

In this New Year of 2021, I am finding my way back to the goal-oriented, list-making, playful, proactive me that comes only when I stop berating myself and accept what is. They are some benefits to slowing down, stepping back, and letting go.

How do you start your engine when your body and mind have been out of motion for a while?

My focus included:

• One day at a time.

• One mess at a time.                                              

• Pick the mess that produces the maximum result to fix first.

• Don’t overdo it.

• Temper your expectations.

• Ask for help.

• Start again each day until it comes naturally.

We are now deep into January. The winter is passing quickly. The days are getting longer. The prospect of spring is in sight. We have transitioned our government. We are deploying the vaccine. We are starting conversations that have long needed to be had. And we continue our work.

• What are you most proud of having accomplished in turning the page from one year to the next?

• How have you started your new year?

For me, it wasn’t a year for resolutions but rather just getting back to the basics. Picking up the healthy habits that support a balanced life. Renewing relationships that put color into my life and days.  Appreciating the little and large gifts that I have received in life. And… putting one foot in front of the other each day, with intention and a positive outlook.

I have a boat-load of lessons from 2020 to apply to my life, work, and relationships. I let go of some things in that tumultuous year but carried the precious into the New Year.

I may have lost my connection to hope and energy in the last month of the marathon of 2020 – but it met me full on in 2021.

I am grateful.

I know that I am back because I bought my French bulldog, Crook, a skate board. He and I are going to learn a new skill.



“I know that my energy falls and rises with the phases of the moon.
 I rest in the winter. I wake up at my own pace, and I blossom in the summer.
Life is supposed to be a natural process.”

— Kerli